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Blacksmithing Hand Forged Hardware
For Fine Custom Handcrafted Furniture

by Delnero Furniture, Fort Plain, New York


Delnero furniture uses hardware hand forged in our own blacksmith shop in many pieces of our rustic Colonial, Early American, and Early Settler collections of furniture.

See this slideshow of the an apprentice working in the blacksmith shop to make hardware for a rustic sugar chest.

Here are a few more fine furniture pieces in which we've used hardware hand crafted from our blacksmith shop: Check out some of our other blacksmith projects.

You can also see some of the tools used by blacksmiths.

The Village Smithy by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is a poem was written about an actual blacksmith who had a shop in Cambridge Massachusetts.
Blacksmithing by Delnero Furniture
Blacksmithing by Delnero Furniture
Getting ready to forge weld some iron.
Drawing out a point for a heavy hook.
Forging a shoulder in a 5/8 inch square stock.
Open Daily 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed Sundays
Evenings by Appointment

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